Fitness should be fun…

Nike has a shirt that says “Running Sucks.” 

I always get a good chuckle to myself (lol for real though) when I see this shirt because of it’s brutal honesty and sometimes truth.  My philosophy is if you hate it THAT much… don’t do it.  Go for a run when you crave it… yes CRAVE a run.  If you don’t crave it… maybe give it a try then stop.  Enjoy walking? Go walking!! Just do it when you LOVE it!  

This led to me wish I could go hiking up a mountain everyday of my life and overlook a crater.  Like I did last weekend!  My boyfriend and I drove a few hours to Crater Lake and hiked 3 miles up to a high peak of the crater.  The views everywhere are awesome, but the “high” you get from hiking on a cliff was so exhilarating and fun it made me wonder why I’d ever run on a treadmill ever again.  (which, I still do- but it’s for the better good).


Anyways, the point of this is that fitness can be so fun! So, go for a hike, learn how to ski, go kayaking! All is so good for your body, mind & soul.  Hiking up this crater really gave me a sense of why I love fitness in generally- it makes you feel strong!!  Doing it with someone you cherish makes it even better.  So find something fun, make fitness fun again.  It doesn’t have to be boring… ever! Spice it up.  Just like chicken doesn’t have to be boring.  Salads don’t have to be boring.  Don’t torment yourself if you hate a treadmill…get outside! Breathe fresh air.  Get drenched in rain.  You will feel so alive 🙂