I absolutely love High Intensity Interval Training – for many reasons! One, it is so short! Two, it isn’t an elliptical (it can be, but I choose not to) and three, probably the best, IT WORKS.  I do some sort of HIIT almost everyday, except maybe sunday to give my body a rest.  By doing HIIT workouts, it improves your athletic capacity, so if you’re a runner, you will find improvements in your lung capacity and it will be easier to hold a race-pace.   This is because you are working so hard in HIIT, that you are in the “anaerobic” zone, using no oxygen.  HIIT also improves glucose metabolism ( can break down carbohydrates more efficiently for energy).  Along with all these great benefits, it’s just a well rounded cardiovascular exercise! You only need about 4-20 minutes.  I am not so sure about 4 minutes being as effective as an hour long session, as some people say, but I do know that my 12-20 minute sessions do wonders!

I teach an “Intervals” class at the University of Oregon and my students love it.  I do an alternation between strength training and cardio intervals with a few TABATA’s in-between.  It’s 50 minutes long and it is a WORKOUT.  But when I’m not teaching, I do a few other things on my own.   I usually do a TABATA, which is full exertion for 20 seconds, then 10 seconds off.  My workout looks like this:

Do each exercise for 20 seconds with 10 second break after each.  Repeat 4 times thru before going to next:

  • High Knee Runs
  • Squat Jumps
  • Mountain Climbers
  • Lunge Jumps

Water break!! Then….do these exercises w/ same format

  • Squat Jacks
  • Pushups
  • Burpees
  • Bicycles

With a one minute water break, this workout is 17 Minutes! No Equipment.  No Gym.  Cardio & strength…How good does it get?

Change is uncomfortable!


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